At PLANTARIUM|GROEN-Direkt, the fair is really all about garden plants. That is why the fair organises several novelty tests. Exhibitors at PLANTARIUM|GROEN-Direkt and/or GROEN-Direkt’s sample fair can participate in all novelty judgements held at that time. The Best Novelty and Best Market Innovation judging is also open to non-participants in the fair.
Join the novelty contest!
There are three categories in which plants are judged:

JURY: KVBC jury professionals
After years of selecting and breeding, do you have a new cultivar that is ripe for the market? Do you want to
show it to an international professional audience and be judged by an expert and independent
jury? Then take advantage of the Best Novelty Award. An independent, expert
KVBC jury visually judges the plants on ornamental value, such as flower colour, flowering time and
leaf colour, shape of the plant, etc. But also on properties such as health, propagation and
Assessment criteria:
- Ornamental value/general impression (incl. foliage and health)
- Novelty value and distinctiveness (to what extent an addition in the range)
- Applicability in garden, public greenery, etc. (NB: this is not about winter hardiness, but usability)
- Presentation (this includes labelling) etc. (NB: this is not about winter hardiness, but possibilities of use)

Jury: international plant trade experts
Do you have an innovative or different product or concept that responds to a current market need?
That is available in sufficient quantities and is designed with a particular target group in mind? Register
these then for the Best Market Innovation judging. When judging the plants, the jury, which is
composed of international plant trade experts, looks at the plant/the
concept. Points such as shelf life, availability, responsible product and suitability to current
market needs are important.
Assessment criteria:
- Plant or product quality ('cultivation performance')
- Product dressing (jar/label/packaging) as an addition to the range)
- Overall appearance, neatness of the product (visual quality as a whole)
- Innovative, different from existing products
- Availability (numbers/logistics) of the product
- Limited risk to trade channel (shelf life, vulnerability)
- Responsible product (plastic/recycled/turf/etc.)
- Responding to current market needs (biodiversity, drought, climate)
- Targeting (broadly applicable or good focus on niche)
- Company is MPS certified

Visitor's favourite
Jury: Visitors to PLANTARIUM|GROEN-Direkt
Do you have a relatively new product with clear added value over already existing
products and is the product also available in sufficient numbers? Then put this product
in the spotlight by applying for the Visitors’ Favourite judging. The entries
are presented right at the entrance and visitors cast their vote for what they consider to be the
best new product.
Assessment criteria:
- The product is relatively new on the market (max 2-3 years, in sufficient numbers)
- The product has clear added value over already existing products
- The product is available in sufficient quantities for trade
- The product has not previously participated in this award