Aster dumosus ‘Alpha Light Pink’
Florizon Plants
Aster dumosus ‘Alpha Light Pink’

The perfect, round, almost planet-like plant structure. The uniform varieties in the series will be incredibly attractive to small extraterrestrial beings we fondly refer to as bees and insects. One of the reasons consumers will adore the new Aster Alpha® series is its high degree of diveristy. The plants exhibit great flexibility and exceptional uniformity. The beauty of the Aster Alpha® series lies in its lovely spherical plant structure, giving it the appearance of a ball chrysanthemum. Aster Alpha® is a perennial, meaning it will bloom beautifully the following year. While other Asters often become coarse and unruly in their second year, these plants remain delightfully compact. Aster dumosus ‘Alpha Light Pink’ features intensely pink flowers and offers a prolonged flowering period. The plant has been bred by Florensis from Zwijndrecht. Florizon Plants from Mijdrecht has submitted Aster dumosus ‘Alpha Light Pink’ for novelty evaluation and is also introducing it to the market.