Application form Best Market Innovation - PLANTARIUM|GROEN-Direkt 23 and 24 August 2023

Plants and/or concepts can be submitted for the Best Market Innovation using the form below. The entries will be judged by the jury on Tuesday 22 August and presented at PLANTARIUM|GROEN-Direkt on 23 and 24 August. The Best Market Innovation will be announced on 23 August. Each plant/concept to be submitted should be registered separately.

The cost for participating in the inspection is €225.00 excl. for participants of PLANTARIUM|GROEN-Direkt and/or GROEN-Direkt Autumn Fair. VAT per entry. Non-participants pay € 375.00 excl. VAT per entry. No refund is possible in case of withdrawal of the entry(s).

The visual material provided will be used both by the judging committee and for promotional purposes. By submitting the photos, you consent to this. Application deadline: Monday, 7 August 2023.

For all registrations, participation is final only after payment of the invoice. By completing this form, you agree to pay the fees due and the judging regulations.

Rather download the form and fill it in at your leisure? Download the application form here:

Submit best market innovation(s)