Anigozanthos 'KPMASQ' (BLUE MASGUERADE) is the topper from the Tropical Kangaroo collection and is the only blue Anigozanthos species worldwide. It has narrow grey-blue leaves and blue kangaroo paw flowers with a bright green pistil. This Australian ornamental plant forms a dense shrub at the base and tall, thick branches protruding vertically from the roots. The plants are highly resistant to cold, can be placed in flowerbeds and pots and will last several years with proper care. Anigozanthos blooms all year round, but the blooms are incredibly vibrant in spring and summer. Besides garden/terrace plant, it is also great as a houseplant. BLUE MASGUERADE was won by Digby James Grown suit Perth (Australia) and is protected by plant breeders' rights. Van der Peijl Tuinplanten from Zundert submitted the plant for testing and also markets it.